Highlight options

1. Terms highlight

  • Enable highlight: Enable highlight feature in all projects
  • Highlight in portal: Enable highlight in JSM

2. Content and titles

  • Highlight comments: Highlight issue comments
  • Highlight titles: Highlight issue titles

3. Confluence glossaries

  • Sync available Confluence glossaries: Automatically highlight the glossaries set in Confluence
  • Confluence glossaries: Customise the list of the glossaries


  1. Preview: a real-time preview of the highlight in the issue
  2. Background color:  the highlight background-color
  3. Text color: highlighted term color
  4. Style: Toggle Underlined, Bold or Italic
  5. Advanced: add a customized CSS to style the highlight
  6. Reset default appearance

Highlight engine and languages configuration in Smart Terms for Confluence apply to the highlight feature in Jira.