Based on the official Microsoft Excel Documentation, the following table lists all the formulas covered by Smart Tables.

Array manipulation

Function DescriptionSyntax
ARRAYFORMULAEnables the array arithmetic mode for a single formula.ARRAYFORMULA(Formula)
FILTERFilters an array, based on multiple conditions (boolean arrays).FILTER(SourceArray, BoolArray1[, BoolArray2[, ...]])
ARRAY_CONSTRAINTruncates an array to given dimensions.ARRAY_CONSTRAIN(Array, Height, Width)

Date and time

Function DescriptionSyntax
DATEReturns the specified date as the number of full days since nullDate.DATE(Year, Month, Day)
DATEDIFCalculates distance between two dates, in provided unit parameter.DATEDIF(Date1, Date2, Units)
DATEVALUEParses a date string and returns it as the number of full days since nullDate.
Accepts formats set by the dateFormats option.
DAYReturns the day of the given date value.DAY(Number)
DAYSCalculates the difference between two date values.DAYS(Date2, Date1)
DAYS360Calculates the difference between two date values in days, in 360-day basis.DAYS360(Date2, Date1[, Format])
EDATEShifts the given startdate by given number of months and returns it as the number of full days since nullDate.
EDATE(Startdate, Months)
EOMONTHReturns the date of the last day of a month which falls months away from the start date. Returns the value in the form of number of full days since 
EOMONTH(Startdate, Months)
HOURReturns hour component of given time.HOUR(Time)
INTERVALReturns interval string from given number of seconds.INTERVAL(Seconds)
ISOWEEKNUMReturns an ISO week number that corresponds to the week of year.ISOWEEKNUM(Date)
MINUTEReturns minute component of given time.MINUTE(Time)
MONTHReturns the month for the given date value.MONTH(Number)
NETWORKDAYSReturns the number of working days between two given dates.NETWORKDAYS(Date1, Date2[, Holidays])
NETWORKDAYS.INTLReturns the number of working days between two given dates.NETWORKDAYS.INTL(Date1, Date2[, Mode [, Holidays]])
NOWReturns current date + time as a number of days since nullDate.NOW()
SECONDReturns second component of given time.SECOND(Time)
TIMEReturns the number that represents a given time as a fraction of full day.TIME(Hour, Minute, Second)
TIMEVALUEParses a time string and returns a number that represents it as a fraction of a full day.
Accepts formats set by the timeFormats option.
TODAYReturns an integer representing the current date as the number of full days since 
WEEKDAYComputes a number between 1-7 representing the day of week.WEEKDAY(Date, Type)
WEEKNUMReturns a week number that corresponds to the week of year.WEEKNUM(Date, Type)
WORKDAYReturns the working day number of days from start day.WORKDAY(Date, Shift[, Holidays])
WORKDAY.INTLReturns the working day number of days from start day.WORKDAY(Date, Shift[, Mode[, Holidays]])
YEARReturns the year as a number according to the internal calculation rules.YEAR(Number)
YEARFRACComputes the difference between two date values, in fraction of years.YEARFRAC(Date2, Date1[, Format])


BIN2DECThe result is the decimal number for the binary number entered.BIN2DEC(Number)
BIN2HEXThe result is the hexadecimal number for the binary number entered.BIN2HEX(Number, Places)
BIN2OCTThe result is the octal number for the binary number entered.BIN2OCT(Number, Places)
BITANDReturns a bitwise logical "and" of the parameters.BITAND(Number1, Number2)
BITLSHIFTShifts a number left by n bits.BITLSHIFT(Number, Shift)
BITORReturns a bitwise logical "or" of the parameters.BITOR(Number1, Number2)
BITRSHIFTShifts a number right by n bits.BITRSHIFT(Number, Shift)
BITXORReturns a bitwise logical "exclusive or" of the parameters.BITXOR(Number1, Number2)
COMPLEXReturns complex number from Re and Im parts.COMPLEX(Re, Im[, Symbol])
DEC2BINReturns the binary number for the decimal number entered between –512 and 511.DEC2BIN(Number, Places)
DEC2HEXReturns the hexadecimal number for the decimal number entered.DEC2HEX(Number, Places)
DEC2OCTReturns the octal number for the decimal number entered.DEC2OCT(Number, Places)
DELTAReturns TRUE (1) if both numbers are equal, otherwise returns FALSE (0).DELTA(Number_1, Number_2)
ERFReturns values of the Gaussian error integral.ERF(Lower_Limit, Upper_Limit)
ERFCReturns complementary values of the Gaussian error integral between x and infinity.ERFC(Lower_Limit)
HEX2BINThe result is the binary number for the hexadecimal number entered.HEX2BIN(Number, Places)
HEX2DECThe result is the decimal number for the hexadecimal number entered.HEX2DEC(Number)
HEX2OCTThe result is the octal number for the hexadecimal number entered.HEX2OCT(Number, Places)
IMABSReturns module of a complex number.IMABS(Complex)
IMAGINARYReturns imaginary part of a complex number.IMAGINARY(Complex)
IMARGUMENTReturns argument of a complex number.IMARGUMENT(Complex)
IMCONJUGATEReturns conjugate of a complex number.IMCONJUGATE(Complex)
IMCOSReturns cosine of a complex number.IMCOS(Complex)
IMCOSHReturns hyperbolic cosine of a complex number.IMCOSH(Complex)
IMCOTReturns cotangens of a complex number.IMCOT(Complex)
IMCSCReturns cosecans of a complex number.IMCSC(Complex)
IMCSCHReturns hyperbolic cosecans of a complex number.IMCSCH(Complex)
IMDIVDivides two complex numbers.IMDIV(Complex1, Complex2)
IMEXPReturns exponent of a complex number.IMEXP(Complex)
IMLNReturns natural logarithm of a complex number.IMLN(Complex)
IMLOG2Returns binary logarithm of a complex number.IMLOG2(Complex)
IMLOG10Returns base-10 logarithm of a complex number.IMLOG10(Complex)
IMPOWERReturns a complex number raised to a given power.IMPOWER(Complex, Number)
IMPRODUCTMultiplies complex numbers.IMPRODUCT(Complex1 ...Complex30)
IMREALReturns real part of a complex number.IMREAL(Complex)
IMSECReturns the secant of a complex number.IMSEC(Complex)
IMSECHReturns the hyperbolic secant of a complex number.IMSECH(Complex)
IMSINReturns sine of a complex number.IMSIN(Complex)
IMSINHReturns hyperbolic sine of a complex number.IMSINH(Complex)
IMSQRTReturns a square root of a complex number.IMSQRT(Complex)
IMSUBSubtracts two complex numbers.IMSUB(Complex1, Complex2)
IMSUMAdds complex numbers.IMSUM(Complex1 ...Complex30)
IMTANReturns the tangent of a complex number.IMTAN(Complex)
OCT2BINThe result is the binary number for the octal number entered.OCT2BIN(Number, Places)
OCT2DECThe result is the decimal number for the octal number entered.OCT2DEC(Number)
OCT2HEXThe result is the hexadecimal number for the octal number entered.OCT2HEX(Number, Places)


ISBINARYReturns TRUE if provided value is a valid binary number.ISBINARY(Value)
ISBLANKReturns TRUE if the reference to a cell is blank.ISBLANK(Value)
ISERRReturns TRUE if the value is error value except #N/A!.ISERR(Value)
ISERRORReturns TRUE if the value is general error value.ISERROR(Value)
ISEVENReturns TRUE if the value is an even integer, or FALSE if the value is odd.ISEVEN(Value)
ISFORMULAChecks whether referenced cell is a formula.ISFORMULA(Value)
ISLOGICALTests for a logical value (TRUE or FALSE).ISLOGICAL(Value)
ISNAReturns TRUE if the value is #N/A! error.ISNA(Value)
ISNONTEXTTests if the cell contents are text or numbers, and returns FALSE if the contents are text.ISNONTEXT(Value)
ISNUMBERReturns TRUE if the value refers to a number.ISNUMBER(Value)
ISODDReturns TRUE if the value is odd, or FALSE if the number is even.ISODD(Value)
ISREFReturns TRUE if provided value is #REF! error.ISREF(Value)
ISTEXTReturns TRUE if the cell contents refer to text.ISTEXT(Value)
SHEETReturns sheet number of a given value or a formula sheet number if no argument is provided.SHEET([Value])
SHEETSReturns number of sheet of a given reference or number of all sheets in workbook when no argument is provided.SHEETS([Value])
NAReturns #N/A! error value.NA(Value)


Function DescriptionSyntax
CUMIPMTReturns the cumulative interest paid on a loan between a start period and an end period.CUMIPMT(Rate, Nper, Pv, Start, End, type)
CUMPRINCReturns the cumulative principal paid on a loan between a start period and an end period.CUMPRINC(Rate, Nper, Pv, Start, End, Type)
DBReturns the depreciation of an asset for a period using the fixed-declining balance method.DB(Cost, Salvage, Life, Period[, Month])
DDBReturns the depreciation of an asset for a period using the double-declining balance method.DDB(Cost, Salvage, Life, Period[, Factor])
DOLLARDEConverts a price entered with a special notation to a price displayed as a decimal number.DOLLARDE(Price, Fraction)
DOLLARFRConverts a price displayed as a decimal number to a price entered with a special notation.DOLLARFR(Price, Fraction)
EFFECTCalculates the effective annual interest rate from a nominal interest rate and the number of compounding periods per year.EFFECT (Nominal_rate, Npery)
FVReturns the future value of an investment.FV(Rate, Nper, Pmt[, Pv,[ Type]])
FVSCHEDULEReturns the future value of an investment based on a rate schedule.FV(Pv, Schedule)
IPMTReturns the interest portion of a given loan payment in a given payment period.IPMT(Rate, Per, Nper, Pv[, Fv[, Type]])
ISPMTReturns the interest paid for a given period of an investment with equal principal payments.ISPMT(Rate, Per, Nper, Value)
MIRRReturns modified internal value for cashflows.MIRR(Flows, FRate, RRate)
NOMINALReturns the nominal interest rate.NOMINAL(Effect_rate, Npery)
NPERReturns the number of periods for an investment assuming periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate.NPER(Rate, Pmt, Pv[, Fv[, Type]])
NPVReturns net present value.NPV(Rate, Value1, ..., Value30)
PDURATIONReturns number of periods to reach specific value.PDURATION(Rate, Pv, Fv)
PMTReturns the periodic payment for a loan.PMT(Rate, Nper, Pv[, Fv[, Type]])
PPMTCalculates the principal portion of a given loan payment.PPMT(Rate, Per, Nper, Pv[, Fv[, Type]])
PVReturns the present value of an investment.PV(Rate, Nper, Pmt[, Fv[, Type]])
RATEReturns the interest rate per period of an annuity.RATE(Nper, Pmt, Pv[, Fv[, Type[, guess]]])
RRIReturns an equivalent interest rate for the growth of an investment.RRI(Nper, Pv, Fv)
SLNReturns the depreciation of an asset for one period, based on a straight-line method.SLN(Cost, Salvage, Life)
SYDReturns the "sum-of-years" depreciation for an asset in a period.SYD(Cost, Salvage, Life, Period)
TBILLEQReturns the bond-equivalent yield for a Treasury bill.TBILLEQ(Settlement, Maturity, Discount)
TBILLPRICEReturns the price per $100 face value for a Treasury bill.TBILLPRICE(Settlement, Maturity, Discount)
TBILLYIELDReturns the yield for a Treasury bill.TBILLYIELD(Settlement, Maturity, Price)
XNPVReturns net present value.XNPV(Rate, Payments, Dates)


Function DescriptionSyntax
ANDReturns TRUE if all arguments are TRUE.AND(Logicalvalue1, Logicalvalue2 ...Logicalvalue30)
FALSEReturns the logical value FALSE.FALSE()
IFSpecifies a logical test to be performed.IF(Test, Then value, Otherwisevalue)
IFSEvaluates multiple logical tests and returns a value that corresponds to the first true condition.IFS(Condition1, Value1[, Condition2, Value2[..., Condition_n, Value_n]])
IFNAReturns the value if the cell does not contains the #N/A (value not available) error value, or the alternative value if it does.IFNA(Value, Alternate_value)
IFERRORReturns the value if the cell does not contains an error value, or the alternative value if it does.IFERROR(Value, Alternate_value)
NOTComplements (inverts) a logical value.NOT(Logicalvalue)
SWITCHEvaluates a list of arguments, consisting of an expression followed by a value.SWITCH(Expression1, Value1[, Expression2, Value2[..., Expression_n, Value_n]])
ORReturns TRUE if at least one argument is TRUE.OR(Logicalvalue1, Logicalvalue2 ...Logicalvalue30)
TRUEThe logical value is set to TRUE.TRUE()
XORReturns true if an odd number of arguments evaluates to TRUE.XOR(Logicalvalue1, Logicalvalue2 ...Logicalvalue30)

Lookup and reference

Function IDDescriptionSyntax
ADDRESSReturns a cell reference as a string.ADDRESS(Row, Column[, AbsoluteRelativeMode[, UseA1Notation[, Sheet]]])
CHOOSEUses an index to return a value from a list of up to 30 values.CHOOSE(Index, Value1, ..., Value30)
COLUMNReturns column number of a given reference or formula reference if argument not provided.COLUMNS([Reference])
COLUMNSReturns the number of columns in the given reference.COLUMNS(Array)
FORMULATEXTReturns a formula in a given cell as a string.FORMULATEXT(Reference)
HLOOKUPSearches horizontally with reference to adjacent cells to the bottom.HLOOKUP(Search_Criterion, Array, Index, Sort_Order)
HYPERLINKStores the url in the cell's metadata. It can be read using method 
HYPERLINK(Url[, LinkLabel])
INDEXReturns the contents of a cell specified by row and column number. The column number is optional and defaults to 1.INDEX(Range, Row [, Column])
MATCHReturns the relative position of an item in an array that matches a specified value.MATCH(Searchcriterion, Lookuparray [, MatchType])
OFFSETReturns the value of a cell offset by a certain number of rows and columns from a given reference point.OFFSET(Reference, Rows, Columns, Height, Width)
ROWReturns row number of a given reference or formula reference if argument not provided.ROW([Reference])
ROWSReturns the number of rows in the given reference.ROWS(Array)
VLOOKUPSearches vertically with reference to adjacent cells to the right.VLOOKUP(Search_Criterion, Array, Index, Sort_Order)

Math and trigonometry

Function DescriptionSyntax
ABSReturns the absolute value of a number.ABS(Number)
ACOSReturns the inverse trigonometric cosine of a number.ACOS(Number)
ACOSHReturns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number.ACOSH(Number)
ACOTReturns the inverse trigonometric cotangent of a number.ACOT(Number)
ACOTHReturns the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a number.ACOTH(Number)
ARABICConverts number from roman form.ARABIC(String)
ASINReturns the inverse trigonometric sine of a number.ASIN(Number)
ASINHReturns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number.ASINH(Number)
ATANReturns the inverse trigonometric tangent of a number.ATAN(Number)
ATAN2Returns the inverse trigonometric tangent of the specified x and y coordinates.ATAN2(Numberx, Numbery)
ATANHReturns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number.ATANH(Number)
BASEConverts a positive integer to a specified base into a text from the numbering system.BASE(Number, Radix, [Minimumlength])
CEILINGRounds a number up to the nearest multiple of Significance.CEILING(Number, Significance)
CEILING.MATHRounds a number up to the nearest multiple of Significance.CEILING.MATH(Number[, Significance[, Mode]])
CEILING.PRECISERounds a number up to the nearest multiple of Significance.CEILING.PRECISE(Number[, Significance])
COMBINReturns number of combinations (without repetitions).COMBIN(Number, Number)
COMBINAReturns number of combinations (with repetitions).COMBINA(Number, Number)
COSReturns the cosine of the given angle (in radians).COS(Number)
COSHReturns the hyperbolic cosine of the given value.COSH(Number)
COTReturns the cotangent of the given angle (in radians).COT(Number)
COTHReturns the hyperbolic cotangent of the given value.COTH(Number)
COUNTUNIQUECounts the number of unique values in a list of specified values and ranges.COUNTUNIQUE(Value1, [Value2, ...])
CSCReturns the cosecans of the given angle (in radians).CSC(Number)
CSCHReturns the hyperbolic cosecant of the given value.CSCH(Number)
DECIMALConverts text with characters from a number system to a positive integer in the base radix given.DECIMAL("Text", Radix)
DEGREESConverts radians into degrees.DEGREES(Number)
EVENRounds a positive number up to the next even integer and a negative number down to the next even integer.EVEN(Number)
EXPReturns constant e raised to the power of a number.EXP(Number)
FACTReturns a factorial of a number.FACT(Number)
FACTDOUBLEReturns a double factorial of a number.FACTDOUBLE(Number)
FLOORRounds a number down to the nearest multiple of Significance.FLOOR(Number, Significance)
FLOOR.MATHRounds a number down to the nearest multiple of Significance.FLOOR.MATH(Number[, Significance[, Mode]])
FLOOR.PRECISERounds a number down to the nearest multiple of Significance.FLOOR.PRECISE(Number[, Significance])
GCDComputes greatest common divisor of numbers.GCD(Number1, Number2, ...)
INTRounds a number down to the nearest integer.INT(Number)
ISO.CEILINGRounds a number up to the nearest multiple of Significance.ISO.CEILING(Number[, Significance])
LCMComputes least common multiplicity of numbers.LCM(Number1, Number2, ...)
LNReturns the natural logarithm based on the constant e of a number.LN(Number)
LOGReturns the logarithm of a number to the specified base.LOG(Number, Base)
LOG10Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number.LOG10(Number)
MODReturns the remainder when one integer is divided by another.MOD(Dividend, Divisor)
MROUNDRounds number to the neares multiplicity.MROUND(Number, Base)
MULTINOMIALReturns number of multiset combinations.MULTINOMIAL(Number1, Number2, ...)
ODDRounds a positive number up to the nearest odd integer and a negative number down to the nearest odd integer.ODD(Number)
PIReturns 3.14159265358979, the value of the mathematical constant PI to 14 decimal places.PI()
POWERReturns a number raised to another number.POWER(Base, Exponent)
PRODUCTReturns product of numbers.PRODUCT(Number1, Number2, ..., Number30)
QUOTIENTReturns integer part of a division.QUOTIENT(Dividend, Divisor)
RADIANSConverts degrees to radians.RADIANS(Number)
RANDReturns a random number between 0 and 1.RAND()
RANDBETWEENReturns a random integer between two numbers.RAND(Lowerbound, Upperbound)
ROMANConverts number to roman form.ROMAN(Number[, Mode])
ROUNDRounds a number to a certain number of decimal places.ROUND(Number, Count)
ROUNDDOWNRounds a number down, toward zero, to a certain precision.ROUNDDOWN(Number, Count)
ROUNDUPRounds a number up, away from zero, to a certain precision.ROUNDUP(Number, Count)
SECReturns the secant of the given angle (in radians).SEC(Number)
SECHReturns the hyperbolic secant of the given angle (in radians).SEC(Number)
SERIESSUMEvaluates series at a point.SERIESSUM(Number, Number, Number, Coefficients)
SINReturns the sine of the given angle (in radians).SIN(Number)
SINHReturns the hyperbolic sine of the given value.SINH(Number)
SIGNReturns sign of a number.SIGN(Number)
SQRTReturns the positive square root of a number.SQRT(Number)
SQRTPIReturns sqrt of number times pi.SQRTPI(Number)
SUBTOTALComputes aggregation using function specified by number.SUBTOTAL(Function, Number1, Number2, ... Number30)
SUMSums up the values of the specified cells.SUM(Number1, Number2, ..., Number30)
SUMIFSums up the values of cells that belong to the specified range and meet the specified condition.SUMIF(Range, Criteria, Sumrange)
SUMIFSSums up the values of cells that belong to the specified range and meet the specified sets of conditions.SUMIFS(Sum_Range , Criterion_range1 , Criterion1 [ , Criterion_range2 , Criterion2 [,...]])
SUMPRODUCTMultiplies corresponding elements in the given arrays, and returns the sum of those products.SUMPRODUCT(Array1, Array2...Array30)
SUMSQReturns the sum of the squares of the argumentsSUMSQ(Number1, Number2, ..., Number30)
SUMX2MY2Returns the sum of the square differences.SUMX2MY2(Range1, Range2)
SUMX2PY2Returns the sum of the square sums.SUMX2PY2(Range1, Range2)
SUMXMY2Returns the sum of the square of differences.SUMXMY2(Range1, Range2)
TANReturns the tangent of the given angle (in radians).TAN(Number)
TANHReturns the hyperbolic tangent of the given value.TANH(Number)
TRUNCTruncates a number by removing decimal places.TRUNC(Number, Count)

Matrix functions

Function IDDescriptionSyntax
MMULTCalculates the array product of two arrays.MMULT(Array, Array)
MEDIANPOOLCalculates a smaller range which is a median of a Window_size, in a given Range, for every Stride element.MEDIANPOOL(Range, Window_size, Stride)
MAXPOOLCalculates a smaller range which is a maximum of a Window_size, in a given Range, for every Stride element.MAXPOOL(Range, Window_size, Stride)
TRANSPOSETransposes the rows and columns of an array.TRANSPOSE(Array)


Function IDDescriptionSyntax
HF.ADDAdds two values.HF.ADD(Number, Number)
HF.CONCATConcatenates two strings.HF.CONCAT(String, String)
HF.DIVIDEDivides two values.HF.DIVIDE(Number, Number)
HF.EQTests two values for equality.HF.EQ(Value, Value)
HF.LTETests two values for less-equal relation.HF.LEQ(Value, Value)
HF.LTTests two values for less-than relation.HF.LT(Value, Value)
HF.GTETests two values for greater-equal relation.HF.GEQ(Value, Value)
HF.GTTests two values for greater-than relation.HF.GT(Value, Value)
HF.MINUSSubtracts two values.HF.MINUS(Number, Number)
HF.MULTIPLYMultiplies two values.HF.MULTIPLY(Number, Number)
HF.NETests two values for inequality.HF.NE(Value, Value)
HF.POWComputes power of two values.HF.POW(Number, Number)
HF.UMINUSNegates the value.HF.UMINUS(Number)
HF.UNARY_PERCENTApplies percent operator.HF.UNARY_PERCENT(Number)
HF.UPLUSApplies unary plus.HF.UPLUS(Number)


Function DescriptionSyntax
AVEDEVReturns the average deviation of the arguments.AVEDEV(Number1, Number2, ...Number30)
AVERAGEReturns the average of the arguments.AVERAGE(Number1, Number2, ...Number30)
AVERAGEAReturns the average of the arguments.AVERAGEA(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
AVERAGEIFReturns the arithmetic mean of all cells in a range that satisfy a given condition.AVERAGEIF(Range, Criterion [, Average_Range ])
BESSELIReturns value of Bessel function.BESSELI(x, n)
BESSELJReturns value of Bessel function.BESSELJ(x, n)
BESSELKReturns value of Bessel function.BESSELK(x, n)
BESSELYReturns value of Bessel function.BESSELY(x, n)
BETA.DISTReturns the denisty of Beta distribution.BETA.DIST(Number1, Number2, Number3, Boolean[, Number4[, Number5]])
BETADISTReturns the denisty of Beta distribution.BETADIST(Number1, Number2, Number3, Boolean[, Number4[, Number5]])
BETA.INVReturns the inverse Beta distribution value.BETA.INV(Number1, Number2, Number3[, Number4[, Number5]])
BETAINVReturns the inverse of Beta distribution value.BETAINV(Number1, Number2, Number3[, Number4[, Number5]])
BINOM.DISTReturns density of binomial distribution.BINOM.DIST(Number1, Number2, Number3, Boolean)
BINOMDISTReturns density of binomial distribution.BINOMDIST(Number1, Number2, Number3, Boolean)
BINOM.INVReturns inverse binomial distribution value.BINOM.INV(Number1, Number2, Number3)
CHIDISTReturns probability of chi-square right-side distribution.CHIDIST(X, Degrees)
CHIINVReturns inverse of chi-square right-side distribution.CHIINV(P, Degrees)
CHIINVRTReturns inverse of chi-square right-side distribution.CHIINVRT(P, Degrees)
CHISQ.DISTReturns value of chi-square distribution.CHISQ.DIST(X, Degrees, Mode)
CHIDISTRTReturns probability of chi-square right-side distribution.CHIDISTRT(X, Degrees)
CHISQ.DIST.RTReturns probability of chi-square right-side distribution.CHISQ.DIST.RT(X, Degrees)
CHISQ.INVReturns inverse of chi-square distribution.CHISQ.INV.RT(P, Degrees)
CHISQ.INV.RTReturns inverse of chi-square right-side distribution.CHISQ.INV.RT(P, Degrees)
CHISQ.TESTReturns chisquared-test value for a dataset.CHISQ.TEST(Array1, Array2)
CHITESTReturns chisquared-test value for a dataset.CHITEST(Array1, Array2)
CONFIDENCEReturns upper confidence bound for normal distribution.CONFIDENCE(Alpha, Stdev, Size)
CONFIDENCE.NORMReturns upper confidence bound for normal distribution.CONFIDENCE.NORM(Alpha, Stdev, Size)
CONFIDENCE.TReturns upper confidence bound for T distribution.CONFIDENCE.T(Alpha, Stdev, Size)
CORRELReturns the correlation coefficient between two data sets.CORREL(Data1, Data2)
COUNTCounts how many numbers are in the list of arguments.COUNT(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
COUNTACounts how many values are in the list of arguments.COUNTA(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
COUNTBLANKReturns the number of empty cells.COUNTBLANK(Range)
COUNTIFReturns the number of cells that meet with certain criteria within a cell range.COUNTIF(Range, Criteria)
COUNTIFSReturns the count of rows or columns that meet criteria in multiple ranges.COUNTIFS(Range1, Criterion1 [, Range2, Criterion2 [, ...]])
COVARReturns the covariance between two data sets, population normalized.COVAR(Data1, Data2)
COVARIANCE.PReturns the covariance between two data sets, population normalized.COVARIANCE.P(Data1, Data2)
COVARIANCEPReturns the covariance between two data sets, population normalized.COVARIANCEP(Data1, Data2)
COVARIANCE.SReturns the covariance between two data sets, sample normalized.COVARIANCE.S(Data1, Data2)
COVARIANCESReturns the covariance between two data sets, sample normalized.COVARIANCES(Data1, Data2)
CRITBINOMReturns inverse binomial distribution value.CRITBINOM(Number1, Number2, Number3)
DEVSQReturns sum of squared deviations.DEVSQ(Number1, Number2, ...Number30)
EXPON.DISTReturns density of a exponential distribution.EXPON.DIST(Number1, Number2, Boolean)
EXPONDISTReturns density of a exponential distribution.EXPONDIST(Number1, Number2, Boolean)
FDISTReturns probability of F right-side distribution.FDIST(X, Degree1, Degree2)
FINVReturns inverse of F right-side distribution.FINV(P, Degree1, Degree2)
F.DISTReturns value of F distribution.F.DIST(X, Degree1, Degree2, Mode)
F.DIST.RTReturns probability of F right-side distribution.F.DIST.RT(X, Degree1, Degree2)
FDISTRTReturns probability of F right-side distribution.FDISTRT(X, Degree1, Degree2)
F.INVReturns inverse of F distribution.F.INV.RT(P, Degree1, Degree2)
F.INV.RTReturns inverse of F right-side distribution.F.INV.RT(P, Degree1, Degree2)
FINVRTReturns inverse of F right-side distribution.FINVRT(P, Degree1, Degree2)
FISHERReturns Fisher transformation value.FISHER(Number)
FISHERINVReturns inverse Fischer transformation value.FISHERINV(Number)
F.TESTReturns f-test value for a dataset.Z.TEST(Array1, Array2)
FTESTReturns f-test value for a dataset.ZTEST(Array1, Array2)
GAMMAReturns value of Gamma function.GAMMA(Number)
GAMMA.DISTReturns density of Gamma distribution.GAMMA.DIST(Number1, Number2, Number3, Boolean)
GAMMADISTReturns density of Gamma distribution.GAMMADIST(Number1, Number2, Number3, Boolean)
GAMMALNReturns natural logarithm of Gamma function.GAMMALN(Number)
GAMMALN.PRECISEReturns natural logarithm of Gamma function.GAMMALN.PRECISE(Number)
GAMMA.INVReturns inverse Gamma distribution value.GAMMA.INV(Number1, Number2, Number3)
GAMMAINVReturns inverse Gamma distribution value.GAMMAINV(Number1, Number2, Number3)
GAUSSReturns the probability of gaussian variable fall more than this many times standard deviation from mean.GAUSS(Number)
GEOMEANReturns the geometric average.GEOMEAN(Number1, Number2, ...Number30)
HARMEANReturns the harmonic average.HARMEAN(Number1, Number2, ...Number30)
HYPGEOMDISTReturns density of hypergeometric distribution.HYPGEOMDIST(Number1, Number2, Number3, Number4, Boolean)
HYPGEOM.DISTReturns density of hypergeometric distribution.HYPGEOM.DIST(Number1, Number2, Number3, Number4, Boolean)
LARGEReturns k-th largest value in a range.LARGE(Range, K)
LOGNORM.DISTReturns density of lognormal distribution.LOGNORM.DIST(X, Mean, Stddev, Mode)
LOGNORMDISTReturns density of lognormal distribution.LOGNORMDIST(X, Mean, Stddev, Mode)
LOGNORM.INVReturns value of inverse lognormal distribution.LOGNORM.INV(P, Mean, Stddev)
LOGNORMINVReturns value of inverse lognormal distribution.LOGNORMINV(P, Mean, Stddev)
LOGINVReturns value of inverse lognormal distribution.LOGINV(P, Mean, Stddev)
MAXReturns the maximum value in a list of arguments.MAX(Number1, Number2, ...Number30)
MAXAReturns the maximum value in a list of arguments.MAXA(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
MAXIFSReturns the maximum value of the cells in a range that meet a set of criteria.MAXIFS(Max_Range , Criterion_range1 , Criterion1 [ , Criterion_range2 , Criterion2 [,...]])
MEDIANReturns the median of a set of numbers.MEDIAN(Number1, Number2, ...Number30)
MINReturns the minimum value in a list of arguments.MIN(Number1, Number2, ...Number30)
MINAReturns the minimum value in a list of arguments.MINA(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
MINIFSReturns the minimum value of the cells in a range that meet a set of criteria.MINIFS(Min_Range , Criterion_range1 , Criterion1 [ , Criterion_range2 , Criterion2 [,...]])
NEGBINOM.DISTReturns density of negative binomial distribution.NEGBINOM.DIST(Number1, Number2, Number3, Mode)
NEGBINOMDISTReturns density of negative binomial distribution.NEGBINOMDIST(Number1, Number2, Number3, Mode)
NORM.DISTReturns density of normal distribution.NORM.DIST(X, Mean, Stddev, Mode)
NORMDISTReturns density of normal distribution.NORMDIST(X, Mean, Stddev, Mode)
NORM.S.DISTReturns density of normal distribution.NORM.S.DIST(X, Mode)
NORMDISTReturns density of normal distribution.NORMSDIST(X, Mode)
NORM.INVReturns value of inverse normal distribution.NORM.INV(P, Mean, Stddev)
NORMINVReturns value of inverse normal distribution.NORMINV(P, Mean, Stddev)
NORM.S.INVReturns value of inverse normal distribution.NORM.S.INV(P)
NORMSINVReturns value of inverse normal distribution.NORMSINV(P)
PEARSONReturns the correlation coefficient between two data sets.PEARSON(Data1, Data2)
PHIReturns probability densitity of normal distribution.PHI(X)
POISSONReturns density of Poisson distribution.POISSON(X, Mean, Mode)
POISSON.DISTReturns density of Poisson distribution.POISSON.DIST(X, Mean, Mode)
POISSONDISTReturns density of Poisson distribution.POISSONDIST(X, Mean, Mode)
RSQReturns the squared correlation coefficient between two data sets.RSQ(Data1, Data2)
SKEWReturns skeweness of a sample.SKEW(Number1, Number2, ...Number30)
SKEW.PReturns skeweness of a population.SKEW.P(Number1, Number2, ...Number30)
SKEWPReturns skeweness of a population.SKEWP(Number1, Number2, ...Number30)
SLOPEReturns the slope of a linear regression line.SLOPE(Array1, Array2)
SMALLReturns k-th smallest value in a range.SMALL(Range, K)
STANDARDIZEReturns normalized value wrt expected value and standard deviation.STANDARDIZE(X, Mean, Stddev)
STDEVReturns standard deviation of a sample.STDEV(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
STDEVAReturns standard deviation of a sample.STDEVA(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
STDEVPReturns standard deviation of a population.STDEVP(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
STDEV.PReturns standard deviation of a population.STDEV.P(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
STDEVPAReturns standard deviation of a population.STDEVPA(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
STDEV.SReturns standard deviation of a sample.STDEV.S(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
STDEVSReturns standard deviation of a sample.STDEVS(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
STEYXReturns standard error for predicted of the predicted y value for each x value.STEYX(Array1, Array2)
TDISTReturns density of Student-t distribution, both-sided or right-tailed.TDIST(X, Degrees, Mode)
T.DISTReturns density of Student-t distribution.T.DIST(X, Degrees, Mode)
T.DIST.2TReturns density of Student-t distribution, both-sided.T.DIST.2T(X, Degrees)
TDIST2TReturns density of Student-t distribution, both-sided.TDIST2T(X, Degrees)
T.DIST.RTReturns density of Student-t distribution, right-tailed.T.DIST.RT(X, Degrees)
TDISTRTReturns density of Student-t distribution, right-tailed.TDISTRT(X, Degrees)
TINVReturns inverse Student-t distribution, both-sided.TINV(P, Degrees)
T.INVReturns inverse Student-t distribution.T.INV(P, Degrees)
T.INV.2TReturns inverse Student-t distribution, both-sided.T.INV.2T(P, Degrees)
TINV2TReturns inverse Student-t distribution, both-sided.TINV2T(P, Degrees)
TTESTReturns t-test value for a dataset.TTEST(Array1, Array2)
T.TESTReturns t-test value for a dataset.T.TEST(Array1, Array2)
VARReturns variance of a sample.VAR(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
VARAReturns variance of a sample.VARA(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
VARPReturns variance of a population.VARP(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
VAR.PReturns variance of a population.VAR.P(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
VARPAReturns variance of a population.VARPA(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
VAR.SReturns variance of a sample.VAR.S(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
VARSReturns variance of a sample.VARS(Value1, Value2, ... Value30)
WEIBULLReturns density of Weibull distribution.WEIBULL(Number1, Number2, Number3, Boolean)
WEIBULL.DISTReturns density of Weibull distribution.WEIBULL.DIST(Number1, Number2, Number3, Boolean)
WEIBULLDISTReturns density of Weibull distribution.WEIBULLDIST(Number1, Number2, Number3, Boolean)
Z.TESTReturns z-test value for a dataset.Z.TEST(Array, X[, Sigma])
ZTESTReturns z-test value for a dataset.ZTEST(Array, X[, Sigma])


CHARConverts a number into a character according to the current code table.CHAR(Number)
CLEANReturns text that has been "cleaned" of line breaks and other non-printable characters.CLEAN("Text")
CODEReturns a numeric code for the first character in a text string.CODE("Text")
CONCATENATECombines several text strings into one string.CONCATENATE("Text1", ..., "Text30")
EXACTReturns TRUE if both text strings are exactly the same.EXACT(Text, Text)
FINDReturns the location of one text string inside another.FIND( "Text1", "Text2"[, Number])
LEFTExtracts a given number of characters from the left side of a text string.LEFT("Text", Number)
LENReturns length of a given text.LEN("Text")
LOWERReturns text converted to lowercase.LOWER(Text)
MIDReturns substring of a given length starting from Start_position.MID(Text, Start_position, Length)
PROPERCapitalizes words given text string.PROPER("Text")
REPLACEReplaces substring of a text of a given length that starts at given position.REPLACE(Text, Start_position, Length, New_text)
REPTRepeats text a given number of times.REPT("Text", Number)
RIGHTExtracts a given number of characters from the right side of a text string.RIGHT("Text", Number)
SEARCHReturns the location of Search_string inside Text. Case-insensitive. Allows the use of wildcards.SEARCH(Search_string, Text[, Start_position])
SPLITDivides the provided text using the space character as a separator and returns the substring at the zero-based position specified by the second argument.
SPLIT("Lorem ipsum", 0) -> "Lorem"
SPLIT("Lorem ipsum", 1) -> "ipsum"
SPLIT(Text, Index)
SUBSTITUTEReturns string where occurrences of Old_text are replaced by New_text. Replaces only specific occurrence if last parameter is provided.SUBSTITUTE(Text, Old_text, New_text, [Occurrence])
TReturns text if given value is text, empty string otherwise.T(Value)
TEXTConverts a number into text according to a given format.
By default, accepts the same formats that can be passed to the dateFormats option, but can be further customized with the stringifyDateTime option.
TEXT(Number, Format)
TRIMStrips extra spaces from text.TRIM("Text")
UNICHARReturns the character created by using the provided code point.UNICHAR(Number)
UNICODEReturns the Unicode code point of the first character of a text.UNICODE(Text)
UPPERReturns text converted to uppercase.


Number formatting

Smart Tables uses the default Confluence language to determine whether to use commas or dots as decimal separator for given inputs (existing cell contents). This configuration is located under Confluence administration > Configuration > Languages > Global default language

Use the TONUMBER function to "clean" (remove currencies, minutes, days...) in a range of cells

Date formatting

Use the FORMATDATE function to format a given date.

The second argument is the desired date format. when not provided, the default Confluence date format is used. To specify a custom input format, use a third optional argument.

Use the PARSEDATE function to parse a given string to a date.

The second argument is the known input format, when not provided, the function will try to parse the date automatically.

For both functions, please check the Moment.js string format documentation, for a full list of the accepted Tokens.