The Smart Tables macro includes a powerful table viewer that allows you to interact with your tables in various ways.

  1. Cells Editor: 
    1. A mini Confluence editor enables you to edit each cell separately.

      You can use this editor to change the content of each cell:

      • Add formatting: use similar options to the Confluence editor in order to format the content
      • Insert macros: add an action item, code snippet, date, decision, divider, emoji, info panel, link, quote, and status
      • Reset: undo recent edits to the cell
      Once the edits are saved by clicking on the save button, resetting the changes will not be possible.
    2. Function editor to add powerful formulas to cells

  2. Rows Filtering: set filtering by selecting rows and/or using a text filter.
  3. Columns Filtering: set filtering for columns by selecting which columns to display in the table.
  4. Actions:

  5. Reset: roll back to the recent version 
  6. Save: update the table with the recent edits and actions.

After reverting to a Confluence, you can undo this action by restoring a recent Confluence page version. The restored Smart Table will contain all the previous filters.