CLOUD ONLY: This feature is only available on the Confluence cloud platform

Setting Smart Courses admins

This section of Smart Courses is accessible from Confluence administration area, it is only available for Confluence administrators.

Smart Courses Admin: Users with this permission will be able to configure Smart Courses, check the full role matrix page for more details on roles

Permissions for using Smart Courses

On the Confluence cloud version of Smart Courses, permissions to create courses match the page creation permissions.

We are planning to use the native space add-on permissions module provided by Confluence, to manage the course creation permission.

Manage course comments permissions

A space administrator can grant permission to add or delete course comments.

  • View comments: All users who can view the course can see the comments except for guest users and anonymous users.
  • Add comments: The “Add comments” permissions from the space settings are required to add comments.
  • Delete own comments: The "View" permission allows users to delete their own comments if they do not have any replies. 

Own comments that have replies can be deleted if the user has “delete comments” permissions.

  • Delete all comments: “Delete comments” permission allows the deletion of all comments.

Confluence admins, space admins, course creators and course contributors can delete all comments without requiring “delete comments” permissions. Comments that have replies cannot be deleted if these users do not have “delete comments” permissions.

  • Comment notifications:
    • Confluence admins, space admins, course creators and course contributors will receive email notifications of added, edited and deleted comments.
    • When user B replies to a comment made by user A, user A will receive an email notification. If user B edits or deletes this comment, user A will also receive a notification.

Deleted comments cannot be restored.