In Smart Courses, when a user starts a course, a session is automatically created. The details of the sessions are reported in the Insights module.

A session can have two statuses:

  • Started
  • Finished

Depending on the type of the course, the session rules are different:

Regular course

In a regular course, the attendee is not required to take any action to finish the course. The finished status depends on the percentage of visited capsules. If the user attends 100% of the capsules, the course is considered as finished.

In a regular course, an attendee can update the already answered questions when revisiting the course. The new answers are updated in the insights module. There are no limited attempts in the regular course mode.

Exam mode

In an Exam mode course, manual action is required to validate the exam and mark the session as finished. The attendee must click on the finish exam button to mark the exam session as finished.

In an Exam mode course, the attendee has only one attempt per question. However, the attendee may retake the exam if :

  • There are remaining course attempts left (check Maximum exam attempts option)
  • A course administrator resets the session from the course insights module

When revisiting an exam, Smart Courses will invite the attendee to retake the exam if there are remaining attempts. The attendee can also retake the exam through the New attempt button on the final screen.


Smart Courses does not capture question results in insights for SCORM courses. To detect the session status and the attendee score, the app captures SCORM data model values of the following variables:

SCORM VersionSCORM data model values
  • cmi.core.lesson_status
  • cmi.core.score.raw
  • cmi.completion_status
  • cmi.success_status
  • cmi.score.raw

SCORM version

SCORM Status 

Smart Courses Status












not attempted


2004 4th edition











not attempted


Anonymous access

If the course space settings allow anonymous access, then anonymous users will be able to view all courses created in public spaces. However, they are not able to attend exams and SCORM courses.

For anonymous users, sessions are not created. Their activity will not appear in insights and reports.


a. Course title

b. Custom message: If the custom final screen message option is enabled, this message is displayed here. If not, the course title is displayed

c. Exam results showed only when the course is on exam mode.

  • Displays Pass if the percentage of correct answers is equal to or greater than the Minimum pass score, or if the Minimum pass score is not defined.
  • Displays Fail if the Minimum pass score is set, and the percentage of correct answers is lower than the Minimum pass score.
  • Displays Pending if there is at least one essay question that needs validation.

d. Manage the course:  allows to go back to the course editor and to check insights; only displays when the user is a course contributor 

e. Rating: 

  • The user is invited to rate a course
  • If the user has already rated it, the rating can be updated 

f. Collaborate: 

  • Browse or add comments
  • Share it with a user or group of users
  • Add new feedback to the course contributors.

CLOUD ONLY: Browse and edit submitted feedback. Each feedback in the list includes the following details:

  • User name: The name of the user who submitted the feedback
  • Date and time of submission: When the feedback was submitted
  • Type of feedback: Review, Question or Report an error
  • Edited indicator: If the user has edited their feedback after initially submitting it, it will be indicated as “(edited)“
  • Capsule name: For each type of feedback, the associated capsule name will be displayed if relevant; otherwise, it indicates the feedback is for the entire course

The feedback list can be filtered by type using the dropdown menu.

CLOUD ONLY: "Add page" permissions are required to create persistent feedback that you can browse within the feedback list. Users who lack these permissions will still be able to add feedback that are sent to course contributors through email notifications.

g. Actions: Go back to the course catalog or collapse the dashboard by clicking on the cross button.