In Smart Courses, each course is represented by a card containing details to help users quickly access courses that interest them.

Course information

  1. Course Thumbnail
  2. Quick information
    1. Exam tag: if the course is an exam
    2. Difficulty: Level of difficulty of the course (if set)
    3. New content: indicates whether a course has been updated. This information is only displayed for an attended course
    4. Draft: displayed if the course is not published. This information is only displayed to course creators or contributors
  3. Share course: Select a user or a group of users to invite them to attend the course.
  4. Comments [Cloud]: Browse or add course comments
  5. Favorite course: Highlighted if the course is bookmarked as favorite
  6. Course information
    1. Space name: displays the course's target space. You can click on the space name to open the space catalog.
    2. Course title
    3. About this course: displays the About this course content added by a contributor in the course options
    4. Copy course link
    5. Course creator's name
    6. Last modification date: If enabled, it's updated every time a creator or a contributor saves the course
    7. Publication date: If enabled, it displays the course's publication date
    8. Duration estimation: based on the Estimated duration option of a course
    9. Number of capsules and sections
  7. Average ratings: the average attendees' ratings
  8. Number of attendees: number of users who have attended the course at least once
  9. Progress bar: This bar displays the attendee's session progress. For example, if the attendee has already viewed half of the course capsules, this bar will be half-filled.
  10. Due date: This information will only be displayed on the course card under the Assigned tab to indicate the assignment due date.

B. Card actions

Depending on the role of the user or their session status, specific action buttons are displayed:

Course edit and insights

User / Action

Course insights



Confluence Admin(tick)(tick)
Space Admin(tick)(tick)
Smart Courses Admin
Course creator or contributor(tick)(tick)
An attendee



 [On-premise only] Check permissions management for Cloud

Check insights view permissions

Playing course actions

User / Action





Course creator or contributor(tick)---
A user who has not started the course yet-(tick)--
A user who has a session--(tick)-
A user who finished the course---(tick)

Course creators or contributors can start, resume or revisit the course only when Allow contributor enrollment is enabled.