
Upload an image as a thumbnail. This image is used in the course catalog. Using a rectangular image is preferred for better rendering.

Note that the maximum allowed size of attachments is defined by Confluence administrator.


Once languages are selected in the global app configuration, you can add or delete course translations in these languages.

When a translation is created, the course title, description, custom dashboard message, thumbnail, section titles and capsule content can be customized for each language. Course configuration and capsule settings follow the default language settings.

CLOUD ONLY: If AI translation is enabled, the AI button will appear for translations and will allow you to translate the selected capsule or multiple capsules. Only capsule title, description and content will be translated by AI.

Course history

This option gives the ability to restore a previous course version.

  1. Version mode: Click on the button to switch between the editing and versioning modes
  2. Version label
  3. Version number
  4. Version creation date: Switch between course versions using arrow buttons 
  5. Restore button: Clicking on this button will allow you to go back to the editing mode

Only course content can be restored; course configuration is not included.

Old versions cannot be edited before restoring them. When an old version is restored, it will be saved as the latest version.



About this course

Fill in a quick description of the course as shown in the screenshot. This description will be directly visible on the course card, in the course catalog.

The maximum length of the course description is 1000 characters.


Select one or more course categories; Categories are used in the catalog to filter the courses.

A Smart Courses administrator can manage/ create categories from Smart Courses Configuration.


Select one or more labels of a course, the labels are used in the catalog to filter courses. You can also use these labels in the Confluence search to find courses. Check this link  for more details about Confluence labels creation.

Smart Courses uses the native Confluence labels. If you create a new label, it will be available for pages and other content types in Confluence.


Choose the difficulty level of a course:

  • N/A
  • Introductory
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

These levels are also used in the catalog to filter courses.

Duration estimation

This will be displayed on the course card to inform the user of the estimated length of the course. 


Exam mode

This mode determines whether a course is an Exam. Enabling the Exam mode is a strict mode that implies specific rules for playing courses and reporting:

a. Minimum pass score: The minimum pass score is the minimum required score to pass an exam. Scores are calculated based on the correct-answers rate.
For example, if the exam includes four questions, and the Minimum pass score is set at 50%, the attendee has to answer a minimum of two correct answers to pass the exam.

This option is only available when exam mode is selected.

b. Maximum exam attempts: it is the number of attempts an attendee has per exam. Attendees are able to reset their sessions once an exam is finished if they still have remaining attempts.
An attempt is counted each time an attendee finishes an exam. If for example this option is set to 3, and the attendee finishes the exam, it will be possible to retake the exam when relaunching the course. Thus two remaining attempts are left.

Hide questions results

Question results will not be displayed to the attendees once they submit their answers.

This option might be useful for the Exam mode.

Hide overall questions results

Hide the overall score and question results to the attendees at the end of the course session.

Hide expected options for wrong answers

Correct option(s) will not be displayed to the attendees if the result is wrong.

Require course completion to view results

Require visiting all the course content to view results.


  • Force sequential navigation: This option allows deactivating skipping capsules. The attendee must go through all the capsules.
  • Custom message: Add a customized message that will be displayed on the dashboard.

Comments [Cloud]

Disable comments for this course. Comments can also be disabled globally or per space.


  • Allow contributors enrollment: Contributors will be allowed to have a course session, and their insights will be tracked similarly to other attendees.
  • Allow enrollment after the due date: Allow enrollment even if the assignment is overdue.
  • Recurrent course: The course should be repeated periodically. Expired sessions will be reset when the attendees revisit the course.

The "Allow contributors enrollment" is selected by default for newly created courses.


Customize assignment reminder rules and message for this course. 

Here you can override the global customized assignment reminder and message.


This option allows defining course restrictions. By default, the course has the same accessibility rules as the space in which it was created. A course administrator can customize restriction rules.

 These restrictions are exclusive and not inclusive; only the mentioned groups and users will see the course in the catalog and attend it.

You can add up to 100 individual users and 100 groups to the restricted list.



Select a user or a group of users to invite them to attend the course.

Feedback [Cloud]

Browse and filter all course feedback.


New assignment

Assigned users or groups need to complete the course.

Course assignment involves: 

  • Assigned users or groups of users will receive assignment notifications
  • Users will find the assigned course in the Assigned tab of the Course catalog
  • A special Assigned tag will be added to the user session in the course insights
  • The list of the assigned courses is displayed in the users' course dashboard

If a Due date is enabled :

  • Assigned users and/or groups will have to complete the course before this date. If not completed, a reminder is sent, for example, once per day for the five days preceding the due date
  • If an assigned course is overdue, users are no longer able to view the course unless a course administrator extends the assignment

Continuous assignment

You can schedule an assignment based on groups.

The course will be automatically assigned to users once they join the group.

The scheduled assignment involves:

  • Groups: groups to whom the course is assigned
  • Due date: course creator can indicate the due date: the number of days after the new user joins the group
  • Message: customized message will be sent to the attendees along with the notification 

When scheduling a continuous assignment, you can enable these options:

  • Update existing assignments: Current group members' assignments will be updated
  • Only notify future assignments: Current group members will be assigned but will not be notified. Future group members will be assigned and notified.

Current group members who are not assigned to the course will be assigned immediately.

Manage Attachments

When deleting a capsule, the attachment is not removed from Smart Courses. Attachments can be managed in different ways.

The table has three columns:

  • Title: Attachment label stored in Confluence
  • Used in: List of capsules where the Attachment is used
  • Delete: Allows you to delete the attachment if it is not used in any capsule

When adding attachments to course capsules, if an existing attachment with the same name is uploaded, Smart Courses creates a copy and adds a unique suffix "-cvsXXXXXX" to the file's name to avoid overwriting used attachments in other capsules.


A course editor can enable certificate generation once the attendees finish their course.

You can easily customize your certificate using a combination of HTML and Thymeleaf code while having a live preview of the changes you made.

Here is the list of the pre-defined variables:

  • Course title

  • Author name

  • Attendees' name

  • Completion date

  • Score

  • Result

Certificate template actions:

  • Restore the default global template or the default space template if enabled.
  • Refresh certificate preview.

Certification options:

  • Enable Certification: attendees will be provided with a download link for a PDF version of the certificate once:

    • A regular course is completed: has a 100% session progress
    • An exam is finished: Attendees need to click the finish button
    • A SCORM is completed: session status is completed
  • Only when PASS: Deliver certificate only for successful attendees.

Only following fonts are supported:

  • Arial

  • Comic Sans MS

  • Courier New

  • Garamond

  • Georgia

  • Impact

  • Tahoma

  • Times New Roman / Times

  • Trebuchet MS

  • Verdana

Make sure to respect the following font paths:

  • For Windows : windir/fonts

  • For Linux :

    • /usr/share/X11/fonts

    • /usr/X/lib/X11/fonts

    •  /usr/openwin/lib/X11/font

    •  /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts

    •  /usr/share/fonts

These fonts are only supported for Cloud deployment. For on-premise deployment, If you are trying to display or render text and notice that fonts are missing, it may be an indication that you need to install the necessary fonts.

Completion date formatting:

The completion date is by default inserted in the certificate using the following line of code: <div th:text="${completionDate}"></div>

This gives the following completion date format example: Fri May 12 12:51:45 UTC 2023

The course completion date and time format can be further customized in the following ways :

Completion date and time pattern


<div th:text="${completionDate}"></div>
Fri May 12 12:51:45 UTC 2023
<div th:text="${#dates.format(completionDate,'dd-MMM-yyyy')}"></div>
<div th:text="${#dates.format(completionDate,'EEE dd/MM/yyyy')}"></div>
Fri 12/05/2023
<div th:text="${#dates.format(completionDate,'yyyy.MM.dd h:mm a z')}"></div>
2023.05.12 9:35 AM UTC

The most commonly used symbols for completion date formatting are in the following table:


Date or Time Component






2023; 23


Month in year


July; Jul; 07


Day in month




Day name in week


Tuesday; Tue


Am/pm marker




Hour in day (0-23)




Hour in am/pm (1-12)




Minute in hour




Second in minute








Time zone

General time zone

Coordinated Universal Time; UTC

Check this link for more completion date formatting examples.

Images should be encoded in base64 format and directly inserted in the HTML code.


A course admin can select users to grant them the right to edit the course (contributors).

Smart Courses distinguishes the course administrator from contributors. A course administrator is either the course creator, a space admin, a Confluence admin, or a Smart Courses admin.

Only course administrators can:

  • Assign contributors
  • Manage advanced settings related to Exam mode
  • Manage restrictions
  • Copy, move or delete a course.

You can add up to 100 individual users to the contributors list.


Copy a course to another space. The visibility rights of the target space will apply to the course copy.

When you copy a course, the following elements are not copied:

  • Restrictions
  • Contributors

When a course is copied, labels are copied on Cloud. However, they are not copied on-premise.

Note that it is only possible to copy a course to another space if the editor has course creation rights.

Move [Only On-premise]

Move a course to another space. The visibility rights of the target space will apply to the moved course.

 Note that it is only possible to move a course to another space if the editor has course creation rights.


Allows you to delete the course.

Please note that deleting a course is an irreversible action. All the data and attendees' sessions related to the course will be deleted.

Concurrent editing prevention [Cloud]

When one contributor is editing the course, all other contributors cannot edit or configure it simultaneously. A yellow bar on the top will appear, informing you that the course is currently locked for editing. This is a precaution to prevent conflicts and ensure changes are managed efficiently. Once the current contributor finishes editing, other contributors will need to refresh to edit the course. 
Check this FAQ link for more details.