Smart Courses for Confluence Current: FAQs FAQs Why courses are no longer displayed in the course catalog? How to add a .ppt to my courses? How to add Google Docs, Sheets, Slides & Forms to Smart Courses? I have been facing some issues while using Smart Courses on a particular browser? Is it possible to export Courses? Why I cannot add or delete an attachment? Scorm Courses display an HTML code [On-premise] I see an Error message when creating a course? [Cloud] How to disable Confluence menu bar? [On-premise] I have got an error message "Something went wrong" when uploading a SCROM course? How to add a Microsoft Stream To Smart Courses? How to add Guest users to Smart Courses? I get the Error message "Error loading SCORM file. Please try again!" when uploading a SCORM file? How to migrate the text capsule editor? [Cloud] How to always start your course from the first capsule? Web page capsule limitations What happens when multiple users want to edit the same course at the same time? How to identify restricted courses? [On-premise] As a space admin, I cannot find some courses in global lists ×